Money Can Buy Love with Brand Engagement Strategies

Branding Articles & News

A Closer Look At Brand Engagement

There are plenty of reasons why someone may not purchase your product or service. The biggest reason may be that they do not have a strong  emotional feeling about the brand-the brand does not engage with their potential customers at an emotional level.

“People buy based on an emotional feeling.”


By: Alex Valderrama, CEO and Brand Strategist at Cranium Agency

A strong brand that evokes emotions encourages buyers to take action. This applies to all brands, even those in less glamorous industries like banking, accounting, and manufacturing.

Every brand has the opportunity to engage its customers, and the most effective strategy is to connect with their emotional needs and desires. These brand engagements are not determined solely by the transaction itself but by the feelings customers experience before, during, and after a purchase. Imagine the anticipation before attending a great concert, dining at a favorite restaurant, acquiring the latest smartwatch, or driving a new car off the lot. These instances illustrate the emotions that drive purchases based on a profound connection with one’s favorite brand.

Strategically, constructing a brand in harmony with its customers and creating emotional engagement is challenging. It demands time, introspection, and a clear brand definition. Many brand elements contribute to understanding how to emotionally engage customers, including what we discussed recently in an article titled “Boosting Sales with a Stronger Brand Promise.” Additionally, brand purpose, unique selling points, a strong positioning statement, and the fundamental reason for the brand’s existence are essential elements for defining a robust strategy. With a strong strategy, you can establish a deep emotional connection between your brand and potential buyers.

Let’s face it—every brand possesses the potential to make an impact on our lives. This impact generates emotional responses such as happiness, excitement, confidence, empowerment, joy, and more. These emotions drive customers to purchase products or services, creating lasting memories and stimulating the senses. It’s a love-fest that the brand is sure to benefit from, leading to recurring sales and delighted customers.

What’s your brand engagement strategy?


Alex Valderrama

Alex Valderrama is one of the nation’s top brand strategists, award-winning designer, and author. Through his unique branding expertise, Alex has helped many brands rise above their competition, build strong brand recognition, create a clear market position, and foster business growth with go-to-market strategies.

About Cranium Agency

Cranium® Agency is an award-winning brand consulting agency that has been serving businesses nationwide since 1989. Our experienced team produces smart strategies and creative designs that help our clients achieve stronger brand recognition. We offer brand and naming consultations to new businesses as well as those seeking to re-launch. We also provide design services, including graphic design, advertising, and website development. Cranium serves clients ranging from small start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.

Cranium is more than your typical marketing agency.

With decades of branding experience combined with our proven marketing strategies, we’ll help grow your brand and drive more sales.